

I’ve always wanted to weave like my Granny, using the Finnish rug loom. I remember thinking… or did I say it to her? That “if I were to weave, I’d weave pictures.”

Last year, 2020, my dear friend Seija, gifted me with a homemade loom that was in her family! (Funny, “Seija” is also the name of my Granny!) Ever since my travel to Finland for June of 2019, I have been busy weaving, thanks to this gift. (Well who am I kidding, most of my time is spent dreaming of weaving while I stare at the bare beam).

Needless to say, I wove a few things in the past year, that I’ll have on display this weekend during our Show and Sale. Some may be for sale, whereas others on display.

PS. to hear more about my trip to Finland with collaborator (and cousin) Tuija Hansen, read my previous blog posts .

The colours selected were inspired by winter; observing snow, northern lights and beautiful sun sets.

You’ll have to swing by our place Sunday for more than a glimpse! ;)

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