A Real Relationship

A Real Relationship

I took to blacksmithing from a drawing background. Through forging, I strive to create objects in physical reality that are an extension of my drawing visual vocabulary. It is an immensely rewarding yet challenging endeavour as I must troubleshoot physical parameters to realize an aesthetic / artistic statement.

I experiment with different forms, by starting with an idea on mind and trying it out. Seldom times (say 2% of the time), it will work out very well. Most times, I will have to rethink my approach to the intention. Sometimes the metal has a better idea than I do and refuses to do what I am hoping . . . forging me as a human being as much as I myself shape the material. At the anvil, a real-time dialogue ensues and a real relations where compromise must take place between my intention and the will of the iron.


{written by Kristen "Krev" Krievin on October 19, 2019}.

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